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Wonderful reasons why you need to add onions to your diet. You should know your onions too.

In this article, I'll be talking about the medicinal importance of onions, the types and their uses. Please, read through. Onion is a vegetable from the widely grown species of genus Allium. This class of vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. Usefulness and medicinal importance of Onions.   As earlier stated, this class of veggies contain vitamins and minerals. Most of these minerals and vitamins consist of phytochemical constituents; terpenes, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and so on. These properties play important roles in the body by preventing and also curing diseases: 1. A special kind of flavonoid in onions is quercetin, which acts as an a ntioxidant (compounds that inhibit oxidation, a process that leads to cellular damage and contributes to diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease) that may be linked to preventing cancer. “It also might have heart health benefits, though more studies need to be done,” said Angela Lem...
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"Sight is what the eye produces" Take care of your sight.

Virtually, every being rely on their eyes to see and make sense of the world around them. Your eyes are a vital part of your health. In this article, I'll be enlightening you on the features of the eye, the defects, diseases and how you can care for your eyes. Please, Read to the end. Structures auxiliary to the eye  The orbit  The eye is protected from mechanical injury by being enclosed in a socket, or orbit, which is made up of portions of several of the bones of the skull to form a four-sided pyramid, the apex of which points back into the head.   The optical foramen , the opening through which the optic nerve runs back into the brain and the large ophthalmic artery enters the orbit, is at the nasal side of the apex; the superior orbital fissure is a larger hole through which pass large veins and nerves. These nerves may carry nonvisual sensory messages e.g; pain or they may be motor nerves controlling the muscles of the eye. There are ...

Drug description: Alabukun Powder; it's constituents, benefits and side effects.

Why undergo stress, cold and other related symptoms when you can always use the right drugs and feel better..? Did you know that the locally known drug " Alabukun " used for pain, fever, heart attack, fatigue, rheumatic pain, toothache, apne of maturity,  back ache and other conditions contains 760mg of acetysalicylic acid and 60mg of caffeine ? The drug " Alabukun " was invented by  Chief Jacob Sogboyega Odulate  (1884–1962), aka  Blessed Jacob;  a Nigerian pharmacist, inventor, essayist and entrepreneur. picture downloaded from The  antiproliferative  Alabukun powder proved that it works by preventing the production of platelet aggregation and inhibits adenosine in the body. These processes reduce pain and allows the user to breath better through stimulation of the brain and heart.  It's possible side effects if not properly used include: swelling as...